Intergroup internal meeting
Intergroup internal meeting in Strasbourg – For members only
Réunion interne de l'Intergroupe à Strasbourg - Ouverte aux Membres uniquement
Conférence de lancement / Kick-off Conference
L’Intergroupe Mers, Rivières, Iles et Zones Côtières du Parlement Européen a le plaisir de vous inviter à la conférence intitulée “Saisir l’opportunité pour renforcer l’Europe de la Mer“ organisée avec le soutien de la CRPM (secrétariat de l’Intergroupe), qui se tiendra le 12 Mai 2015 (de 11.00 à 13.30) au Parlement Européen.
The European Parliament’s Seas, Rivers, Islands and Coastal Areas Intergroup has the pleasure to invite you to the seminar entitled "Seizing the opportunity to develop a stronger Europe of the sea " organised with the support of CPMR (secretariat of the Intergroup), that will take place 12 May 2015 (from 11.00 to 13.30) at the European Parliament.
Meeting on Maritime Industries
Meeting of the Intergroup – “Growth opportunities for maritime industries - Cross-cutting perspectives about shipbuilding, marine renewable energies, and oil & gas”
Meeting of the Board with the Commission
The board discussed agenda priorities associated to its work program with the General Directorates involved in these issues.