ARCOPOLplatform Final Conference


Mrs. Gesine Meissner, Mr. Alain Cadec, Mr. Ricardo Serrão Santos adn Mrs. Cláudia Monteiro de Aguiar President, Vice-Presidents and Member of the European Parliament’s Seas, Rivers, Islands and Coastal Areas Intergroup have had the pleasure to welcome you to the seminar entitled  "How to better protect Atlantic Coastal Regions from Maritime Pollution", that took place on Tuesday 15 September (from 16h00 to 18h00) at the European Parliament (Room  P5B001).

This conference aimed at presenting the results of ARCOPOLplatform project and preparing the future of EU coastal protection against maritime pollution.

The presentations of the speakers are available here:

 Mme Gesine Meissner, M. Alain Cadec, M. Ricardo Serrão Santos et Mme Cláudia Monteiro de Aguiar respectivement Présidente, Vice-présidents et Membre de l’Intergroupe Mers, Rivières, Iles et Zones Côtières du Parlement Europée ont eu le plaisir de vous accueillir à la conférence intitulée “Comment mieux protéger les Régions côtières atlantiques contre les pollutions maritimes ?“, qui s'est tenue le 15 Septembre 2015 (de 16h00 à 18h00) au Parlement Européen (Salle P5B001).

Ce séminaire avait pour objectif de présenter les résultats du projet ARCOPOLplatform afin de préparer les prochaines politiques européennes en matière de lutte contre les pollutions maritimes.

Les présentations des intervenants sont accessibles ici:

Event Properties

Event Date 15-09-2015 16:00
Event End Date 15-09-2015 18:00
European Parliament Brussels
Rue Wiertz, 1047 Bruxelles, Belgique
European Parliament Brussels
Categories Conférence 2015-2019
Attachment Final Agenda.pdf
We are no longer accepting registration for this event

What is an Intergroup?

The Seas, Rivers, Islands and Coastal Areas Intergroup is one of the 28 Intergroups that were approved in December 2024 by the Conference of Presidents for the 10th legislature of the European Parliament. Intergroups can be formed by MEPs from any political group and any parliamentary committee with a view to holding informal exchanges of views on particular issues and promoting contact between MEPs and civil society.

The Seas, Rivers, Islands and Coastal Areas Intergroup brings together close to 100 MEPs from 6 different political groups and 19 Member States.
Intergroups are not Parliament bodies and therefore may not express Parliament's opinion.
Intergroups are subject to internal rules adopted by the Conference of Presidents on 16 December 1999 (last updated on 11 September 2014), which set out the conditions under which intergroups may be established at the beginning of each parliamentary term and their operating rules.

With the support of the CPMR, Intergroup Secretariat